




Tirupur - 641605

03 28592522


55 Jalan Thamby Abdullah,

Kuala Lumpur, 50470

08:00 - 17:00

Monday to Saturday

Early Years (Nursery, LKG and UKG)

Early year students are the natural inquirers. To support and enhance their innate skills, the curriculum provides ample opportunities for our children to spend their day inquiring and exploring meaningful learning experiences and hands on activities that help them to learn basic skills in a fun and active way with the help of trans disciplinary themes. Students develop various skills and their international mindedness themselves.

The curriculum provides a wide range of opportunity for the students’ Language and numeracy development. They are engaged in active dramatic play, stories, discussions, games songs, outdoor and indoor games, rhymes, word play and mind problems that develop strong language skills with the help of structured A to Z reading and writing programme and mathematical integration. We uniquely combine the Inquiry based learning approach and at TIPS we believe that all students learn differently so the learning experiences are designed to constantly be engaged and challenged.

We combine the Inquiry Approach and Montessori philosophies of education to:
– Teach a variety of learning styles geared to meet individual needs
– Allow for learning in a social context
– Support cross-curricular teaching in order to make inter-disciplinary connections
– Learn the importance of character development

A Walk Through The KG Experience